
Interfacing with the keepa requires a valid access key. This requires a monthly subscription from Pricing. Here’s a brief description of the subscription model from their website.

All plans are prepaid for 1 month with a subscription model. A subscription can be canceled at any time. Multiple plans can be active on the same account and an upgrade is possible at any time, a downgrade once per month. The plans differentiate by the number of tokens generated per minute. For example: With a single token you can retrieve the complete data set for one product. Unused tokens expire after one hour. You can find more information on how our plans work in our documentation.

Connecting to Keepa#

Import interface and establish connection to server:

import keepa
accesskey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' # enter real access key here
api = keepa.Keepa(accesskey)

Product History Query#

The product data for a single ASIN can be queried using:

products = api.query('059035342X')
product = products[0]

where products is always a list of products, even with a single request.

You can query using ISBN-10 or ASIN like the above example by default, or by using UPC,

EAN, and ISBN-13 codes by setting product_code_is_asin to False:

products = api.query('978-0786222728', product_code_is_asin=False)

Multiple products can be queried using a list or numpy array:

asins = ['0022841350', '0022841369', '0022841369', '0022841369']
asins = np.asarray(['0022841350', '0022841369', '0022841369', '0022841369'])
products = api.query(asins)
product = products[0]

The products variable is a list of product data with one entry per successful result from the Keepa server. Each entry is a dictionary containing the same product data available from Amazon:

# Available keys

# Print ASIN and title
print('ASIN is ' + products[0]['asin'])
print('Title is ' + products[0]['title'])

When the parameter history is True (enabled by default), each product contains a The raw data is contained within each product result. Raw data is stored as a dictionary with each key paired with its associated time history.

# Access new price history and associated time data
newprice = product['data']['NEW']
newpricetime = product['data']['NEW_time']

# print the first 10 prices
print('%20s   %s' % ('Date', 'Price'))
for i in range(10):
    print('%20s   $%.2f' % (newpricetime[i], newprice[i]))
Date   Price
2014-07-31 05:00:00   $55.00
2014-08-02 11:00:00   $56.19
2014-08-04 02:00:00   $56.22
2014-08-04 06:00:00   $54.99
2014-08-08 01:00:00   $49.99
2014-08-08 16:00:00   $55.66
2014-08-10 02:00:00   $49.99
2014-08-10 07:00:00   $55.66
2014-08-10 18:00:00   $57.00
2014-08-10 20:00:00   $52.51

Each time a user makes a query to keepa as well as other points in time, an entry is stored on their servers. This means that there will sometimes be gaps in the history followed by closely spaced entries like in this example data.

The data dictionary contains keys for each type of history available for the product. These keys include:


Amazon price history


Marketplace/3rd party New price history - Amazon is considered to be part of the marketplace as well, so if Amazon has the overall lowest new (!) price, the marketplace new price in the corresponding time interval will be identical to the Amazon price (except if there is only one marketplace offer). Shipping and Handling costs not included!


Marketplace/3rd party Used price history


Sales Rank history. Not every product has a Sales Rank.


List Price history


Collectible Price history


Refurbished Price history


3rd party (not including Amazon) New price history including shipping costs, only fulfilled by merchant (FBM).


3rd party (not including Amazon) New price history including shipping costs, only fulfilled by merchant (FBM).


Amazon Warehouse Deals price history. Mostly of used condition, rarely new.


Price history of the lowest 3rd party (not including Amazon/Warehouse) New offer that is fulfilled by Amazon


New offer count history


Used offer count history


Refurbished offer count history


Collectible offer count history


The product’s rating history. A rating is an integer from 0 to 50 (e.g. 45 = 4.5 stars)


The product’s review count history.


The price history of the buy box. If no offer qualified for the buy box the price has the value -1. Including shipping costs.


“Used - Like New” price history including shipping costs.


“Used - Very Good” price history including shipping costs.


“Used - Good” price history including shipping costs.


“Used - Acceptable” price history including shipping costs.


“Collectible - Like New” price history including shipping costs.


“Collectible - Very Good” price history including shipping costs.


“Collectible - Good” price history including shipping costs.


“Collectible - Acceptable” price history including shipping costs.


Refurbished price history including shipping costs.


The trade in price history. Amazon trade-in is not available for every locale.

Each data key has a corresponding _time key containing the time values of each key. These can be plotted with:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
key = 'TRADE_IN'
history = product['data']
plt.step(history[key], history[key + '_time'], where='pre')

Historical data should be plotted as a step plot since the data is discontinuous. Values are unknown between each entry.

The product history can also be plotted from the module if matplotlib is installed


Offer Queries#

You can obtain the offers history for an ASIN (or multiple ASINs) using the offers parameter. See the documentation at Request Products for further details. Offer queries use more tokens than a normal request. Here’s an example query

asin = '1454857935'
products = api.query(asin, offers=20)
product = products[0]
offers = product['offers']

# each offer contains the price history of each offer
offer = offers[0]
csv = offer['offerCSV']

# convert these values to numpy arrays
times, prices = keepa.convert_offer_history(csv)

# print the first 10 prices
print('%20s   %s' % ('Date', 'Price'))
for i in range(10):
    print('%20s   $%.2f' % (times[i], prices[i]))
Date                  Price
2017-01-17 11:22:00   $155.41
2017-04-07 10:40:00   $165.51
2017-06-30 18:56:00   $171.94
2017-09-13 03:30:00   $234.99
2017-09-16 12:16:00   $170.95
2018-01-30 08:44:00   $259.21
2018-02-01 08:40:00   $255.97
2018-02-02 08:36:00   $211.91
2018-02-03 08:32:00   $203.48
2018-02-04 08:40:00   $217.37

Not all offers are active and some are only historical. The following example plots the history of active offers for a single Amazon product.

# for a list of active offers, use
indices = product['liveOffersOrder']

# with this you can loop through active offers:
indices = product['liveOffersOrder']
offer_times = []
offer_prices = []
for index in indices:
    csv = offers[index]['offerCSV']
    times, prices = keepa.convert_offer_history(csv)

# you can aggregate these using np.hstack or plot at the history individually
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in range(len(offer_prices)):
    plt.step(offer_times[i], offer_prices[i])

plt.ylabel('Offer Price')

Category Queries#

You can retrieve an ASIN list of the most popular products based on sales in a specific category or product group. Here’s an example that assumes you’ve already setup your api.

# get category id numbers for chairs
if test_categories:
    categories = api.search_for_categories('chairs')

    # print the first 5 catIds
    catids = list(categories.keys())
    for catid in catids[:5]:
        print(catid, categories[catid]['name'])

    # query the best sellers for "Arm Chairs"
    bestsellers = api.best_sellers_query('402283011')

print('\nBest Sellers:')
for bestseller in bestsellers:
8728936011 Stools, Chairs & Seat Cushions
16053799011 Mamagreen Outdoor Dining Chairs
8297445011 Medical Chairs
3290537011 kitchen chairs
5769032011 Office Chairs

Best Sellers: